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时间:2019-11-05 浏览:

本文转自《JPT》发表的题为“Industry Continues to Make Progress on Carbon Capture”的报道。

作者:Judy Feder, 技术编辑



Source: Shell Photographic Services,The Quest carbon capture and storage facility in Canada is operated by Shell on behalf of the Athabasca Oil Sands Project.


Does the world really want carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS)? The answer is an unequivocal “Yes,” say the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations, and many oil and gas companies, among others. The consensus is that rapid scale-up of CCUS is essential for meeting climate and emissions targets while not crippling economic growth. As much as 450 million Mt of CO2 could be captured, used, and stored globally with a commercial incentive as low as $40/Mt, according to the IEA. Yet this potential remains largely untapped.

世界是否真的想要碳捕集,利用和封存(CCUS)? 答案是明确的“是”,国际能源署(IEA),政府间气候变化专门委员会,联合国以及许多石油和天然气公司等都说。 共识是,CCUS的快速扩大对于实现气候和排放目标同时又不损害经济增长至关重要。 根据IEA的数据,全球有多达4.5亿吨的CO2可以被捕集,利用和存储,而商业刺激性低至40美元/吨。 然而,这种潜力在很大程度上尚未开发。

“It’s a chicken-and-egg problem,” said Dan Cole, vice president of commercial development and governmental relations at Denbury Resources. “To address the challenges, more projects need to be built, but more aren’t being built,” said Cole.

Denbury Resources商业发展和政府关系副总裁Dan Cole说:“这是一个鸡与蛋的问题。” Cole说:“为了应对挑战,需要建设更多的项目,但是更多的项目还没有建成。”

The reasons are many. The engineering sector is trying to scale up relatively immature technologies outside of niche projects and experiencing growing pains. Uncertainty around policy and return on investment (ROI), or lack thereof, is pushing back or halting large-scale projects. Public sentiment is pushing ever harder against carbon of any type in favor of renewable energy.

原因很多。 工程部门正在尝试在利基项目之外扩大相对不成熟的技术,并经历不断增长的痛苦。 政策和投资回报率(ROI)的不确定性,或者说缺乏这种不确定性,将推迟或停止大型项目。 公众日益反对使用任何类型的碳来支持可再生能源。

CCUS encompasses four interrelated areas, each of which face its own distinct technological, financial, and perceptual challenges.


1. Capture 碳捕集
2. Transportation 碳运输
3. Storage 碳封存
4. Use/Reuse 碳利用或再利用

Fig. 1 illustrates the CCUS process. 图1阐述了CCUS的过程。

Fig. 1—CO2 is captured from industrial sources or directly from the air, then transported for long-term storage, EOR, or reuse. Source: BloombergNEF.

图1-从工业来源或直接从空气中捕获CO2,然后运输以进行长期存储,EOR或再利用。 资料来源:彭博新能源财经。

Carbon Capture—the Least Mature Area


Approximately two-thirds of the total cost of CCUS is attributed to carbon capture. Additionally, capturing and compressing CO2 is estimated to increase the cost per watt-hour of energy produced by 21–91% for fossil fuel power plants, and applying the technology to existing plants would be more expensive, especially if they are far from a sequestration site.


Of all the components of the CCUS process, capture is considered the least technologically mature. Belief is widespread that optimizing a CO2 capture process would significantly increase the feasibility of CCUS because transport and storage technologies are more mature.


Capturing CO2 is most effective at point sources such as large fossil fuel or biomass energy facilities, industries with major CO2 emissions, natural gas processing, synthetic fuel plants, and fossil fuel-based hydrogen production plants. CO2 also can be captured directly from the air through direct air capture (DAC) rather than at a point source. Carbon dioxide can be separated out of air or flue gas with absorption, adsorption, or membrane gas separation technologies. Absorption, or carbon scrubbing, with amines is currently the dominant capture technology. Membrane and adsorption technologies are still in the developmental research and pilot plant stages.


Transportation Issues


Captured CO2 is usually transported to suitable storage sites by pipeline, or occasionally, ships. Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) could reuse a substantial volume of industrial CO2 for injection. The largest EOR opportunity is in the Permian Basin. However, the majority of US industrial CO2 is produced on the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast and in the middle of the country, and there are currently no dedicated pipelines to get the CO2 to the Permian Basin.


The US currently has over 5,000 miles of CO2 pipeline installed, and it is estimated that approximately 25,000 miles of new dedicated pipeline will be needed to transport the larger source emissions of industrial CO2 to either EOR projects, dedicated storage, or manufacturing reutilization sites, at a cost of greater than $50 billion. Additionally, there are important unanswered questions about pipeline network requirements, economic regulation, utility cost recovery, regulatory classification of CO2 itself, and pipeline safety, according to the US Congressional Research Service. Federal classification of CO2 as both a commodity (by the Bureau of Land Management) and a pollutant (by the Environmental Protection Agency) could create conflict that may need to be addressed not only for the sake of future CCUS implementation, but also to ensure consistency of future CCUS with CO2pipeline operations today.


Then there is the question of paying for the pipelines. Various incentives and ideas are being discussed to address legal, operational, and commercial barriers of capital investment for the development of additional pipeline infrastructure, according to Cole, but no pipeline will be put in place unless there is guaranteed throughput of product to offset the cost of construction and operation.


Storage Questions


North America has enough storage capacity for more than 900 years’ worth of CO2 at current production rates, according to the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). Geological formations such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs, deep saline aquifers, and coalbed methane formations are currently considered the most promising sequestration sites. Long-term sequestration of CO2 is a relatively new concept, how­ever, making long-term predictions about underground storage security difficult and uncertain.


CO2 storage differs from typical oil and gas recovery projects in the way the reservoir is managed, according to University of Calgary professor and former SPE Distinguished Lecturer Steven Bryant. But, for reservoir engineers armed with technologies that have been proven over many decades, the technological challenges of long-term CO2 sequestration are significantly less than those of building renewable energy to scale. Additionally, says Bryant, engineers and researchers are looking at storage methods that go beyond injecting supercritical CO2 into vacant pore spaces. Some of these methods could lead to income generation for storage. Bryant is active in an IEA group working on technologies and models for monitoring of CO2storage.

卡尔加里大学教授和前SPE杰出讲师史蒂芬·布莱恩特(Steven Bryant)表示,二氧化碳的存储与典型的油气采收项目的区别在于储层的管理方式。但是,对于拥有经过几十年验证的技术的油藏工程师来说,长期的二氧化碳封存在技术上面临的挑战远远小于大规模建造可再生能源。此外,Bryant说,工程师和研究人员正在寻找超越向孔隙空间注入超临界二氧化碳的存储方法。这些方法中的一些可以为存储带来收入。Bryant是国际能源署一个研究二氧化碳储存监测技术和模型的小组的成员。

Similar to transportation is the question of who should pay for CO2 storage. Numerous sites have been identified in the US and other countries for long-term storage. But in the US, complications arise from the fact that arrangements to use these sites must satisfy the business and financial needs of the surface (land) owners, who also own the pore space; the mineral owners (who often are not the land owners); and the mineral lessees (the E&P companies). On publicly owned US lands, including offshore, and in Canada and other countries where the minerals belong to the mother country, storage can be much less complicated.


“While this may seem convoluted, we need to remember that when the US laws governing oil and gas development were written, the purpose was to protect the correlative rights of the mineral owner and for the purpose of extracting the hydrocarbons,” said Greg Schnacke, executive director of governmental relations for Denbury Resources.

Greg Schnacke表示:“虽然这似乎有些令人费解,但我们需要记住,当美国制定有关油气开发的法律时,其目的是保护矿物所有者的相关权,并旨在提取碳氢化合物。” Denbury Resources政府关系执行董事。



The oil and gas industry has been monetizing CO2 for EOR since 1972. Because EOR increases oil production, it provides an economic incentive to producers and currently accounts for the majority of CCUS use. Additional applications for captured CO2 include using it as feedstock for production of clean hydrogen, concrete building materials, fertilizer, soda ash, intermediate polymers and chemicals, urea, carbonated beverages, and pharmaceuticals, among others. Most of these applications are in research or pilot phases with varying economics.

自1972年以来,石油和天然气行业一直在通过提高采收率将二氧化碳货币化。由于EOR提高了石油产量,它为生产商提供了一种经济激励,目前CCUS的使用主要来自于此。捕集到的二氧化碳的其他应用包括将其用作生产清洁氢气,混凝土建筑材料,肥料,纯碱,中间聚合物和化学品,尿素,碳酸饮料和药品等的原料。 这些应用大多数都处于研究或试验阶段,具有不同的经济性。

It is possible for CCS, when combined with biomass, to result in net negative emissions. A trial of bio-energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) at a wood-fired unit at the Drax power station in the UK started in 2019. If successful, this project could remove a tiny amount of CO2 from the atmosphere.

CCS与生物质结合使用时有可能导致净负排放。 英国的Drax电站的燃木机组在2019年开始了一项具有碳捕集与封存(BECCS)的生物能源试验。如果成功,该项目可以从大气中去除少量的CO2。

Current Projects


There are currently 23 large-scale CCS facilities in operation or under construction around the world, according to the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (GCCSI), capturing almost 40 Mtpa of CO2. An additional 28 pilot and demonstration-scale facilities in operation or under construction collectively capture another 3+ Mtpa (Fig. 2).

根据全球碳捕集与封存研究所(GCCSI)的数据,目前全球有23个大型CCS设施正在运营或在建中,捕获的二氧化碳量接近40 Mtpa。 在运营或在建的另外28个中试规模和示范规模的设施共同捕获了另外3+ Mtpa(图2)。

Fig. 2—CCUS projects operating, under construction, and in advanced or early development around the world. Source: Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute.

图2 CCUS项目运营,正在建设中,并在世界各地的先进或早期发展。 资料来源:全球碳捕集与封存研究所。

What’s the Holdup?

“The challenges [to CCUS deployment at scale] are significant: the high cost of CO2 capture, lack of infrastructure, absence of policy incentives, and public acceptance,” according to IHS Markit Senior Vice President of Energy and Chief Energy Strategist Atul Arya.

IHS Markit能源高级副总裁兼首席能源策略师Atul Arya表示:“大规模部署CCUS面临的挑战是巨大的:二氧化碳捕集成本高,基础设施匮乏,缺乏政策激励措施以及公众的接受程度。”

The IEA agrees, saying that for every CCUS project that has successfully reached a final investment decision, at least two large-scale projects have been canceled, citing several factors.


1. Long lead times for projects, many of which can take as long as a decade to plan and construct

2. The need to reduce the cost of “learning by doing,” which depends on more projects to realize potential and accelerate commercialization

3. Lack of confidence in CO2 storage, which requires more work to convert theoretical storage to “bankable” storage

4. The need for greater understanding of the future role and availability of CCUS at a local and regional level, to inform today’s energy policy and investment decisions

5. Need for more institutional support which includes industry and government as well as the financial and insurance communities

6. Lack of community support


Many experts agree that EOR can’t handle all the industrial CO2 being vented today. Markets beyond EOR are being investigated and pursued, and some are in various stages of commercialization. Several large oil and gas companies are partnering or investing in these opportunities. But, for investment to continue and to become more widespread, investors need assurance for credit durability and long-term certainty, both of which have been lacking until now.

许多专家都认为,提高采收率不能解决当今排放的所有工业二氧化碳。 EOR以外的市场正在研究和追求中,其中一些处于商业化的各个阶段。 几家大型石油和天然气公司正在合作或投资这些机会。 但是,为了使投资能够继续并变得更加广泛,投资者需要保证信贷的持久性和长期确定性,而这两个方面迄今为止都缺乏。

The 45Q Tax Credit—Assistance with Caveats


In 2018, the US enacted legislation that expanded and extended the 45Q tax credit—a US credit program originally enacted in 2008—in a move that, according to the IEA, could trigger new capital investments of $1 billion for CCUS over the next 6 years, for an additional 10 to 30 million metric tons of CO2 capture capacity. The 2018 legislation provides a tax credit of up to $50/Mt of permanently stored CO2 and $35/Mt for that used for EOR or other industrial uses, provided storage containment can be clearly demonstrated. It also removes any limitation on the amount of CO2 storage that can be claimed. It is considered a monumental achievement and is one of several recent policy developments and financial incentives providing encouraging signs for Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, the UK, Saudi Arabia, China, and the European Union.

2018年,美国颁布了扩大和扩展45Q税收抵免的立法(美国信贷计划最初于2008年颁布),据国际能源署称,此举可能在未来6年内为CCUS带来10亿美元的新资本投资,另外还有10至3000万吨的二氧化碳捕集能力。 2018年立法规定,永久存储的CO2最高可抵税50美元/吨,用于EOR或其他工业用途的抵税额最高可抵免35美元/吨,前提是可以清楚地证明封存封存情况。它还消除了对可以要求的二氧化碳存储量的任何限制。它被认为是具有里程碑意义的成就,是近期几项政策发展和财政激励措施之一,为日本,荷兰,挪威,英国,沙特阿拉伯,中国和欧盟提供了令人鼓舞的迹象。

However, many companies who wish to take advantage of the credit say inconsistencies and the absence of consistent guidance, which could help guide investment decisions, has added to the challenge of project development. In many cases, inability to reach final investment decision (FID) is believed to result from concerns of equity/debt holders over uncertainty about the consistency and tenure of the tax credits.


Unlocking CCUS Investment


The IEA’s recently published Five Keys to Unlock CCS Investment includes the following.


1. Harvest “low-hanging fruit” to build CCS deployment and experience from the ground up.


2.Tailor policies to local conditions to shepherd CCS through the early deployment phase and to address the unique integration challenges for these facilities. Many of the sectors where CCS will be required, including steel and cement, operate in competitive international markets where additional costs associated with CCS cannot be passed on to consumers.


3. Target multiple pathways to reduce costs. Cost reduction through learning by doing at scale is proving, in practice, to have a large impact. External project financing has played a relatively minor role in CCS investments to date, but will need to expand to support future widespread deployment. Capital markets have an increasing appetite for low-carbon assets, but CCS remains a relatively unfamiliar technology for most financiers. The cost of financing can be reduced not only with increased project experience and reduced technology risk, but also through progressive financing arrangements and the involvement of international financing institutions or export credit agencies, which can offer near-zero interest rates or loan guarantees.


4. Build CO2 networks and accelerate CO2 storage assessments in key regions.


5. Strengthen partnerships and cooperation between industry and governments. Policies are required to alter behavior, said the GCCSI in its 2018 Global Status of CCS Report. Policy—which encompasses mandates, tax credits, direct subsidies, loan guarantees, and more—can enable governments to achieve their objectives while supporting the business case for investment in CCUS and winning the confidence of investors, which is critical for long-term capital investments. Once these investments are made, investment and cost reduction will accelerate, along with the pace of scale-up that is necessary to meet climate, clean air, and business objectives.

加强行业与政府之间的伙伴关系与合作。 GCCSI在其《 2018年CCS全球状况报告》中表示,必须有政策来改变行为。包括授权,税收抵免,直接补贴,贷款担保等在内的政策可以使政府实现其目标,同时支持CCUS投资的商业案例并赢得投资者的信任,这对于长期资本投资至关重要。一旦进行了这些投资,将加速投资和降低成本,并达到满足气候,清洁空气和商业目标所必需的扩大规模的步伐。

While tax credits, grant funding, external financing, and other “carrots” to unlock CCUS investment are the subject of widespread discussion, there is also a lot of talk about “sticks” ranging from carbon taxes on producers to consumption taxes on households. The 13 member companies of the CEO-led Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) have announced that they are ramping up the speed and scale of their actions in support of the Paris Agreement, and all member companies have pledged to support policies that attribute an explicit or implicit value to carbon.


The bottom line, say many, is that addressing emissions—and by association, CCUS—is a universal challenge that will require collaboration, cooperation, and compromise on the part of all stakeholders.


An excellent example of success is the Shell-operated Quest carbon capture and storage facility near Edmonton, Alberta. In its first four years of operation, Quest has captured and safely stored 4 million Mt of CO2—equivalent to the annual emissions of about one million cars—and has achieved this milestone ahead of schedule and at a lower cost than expected. Shell says Quest has stored more carbon dioxide than any other similar project in the world and is doing it at a higher annual rate.  The facility captures and stores underground about one-third of the CO2 emissions from the Shell-operated Scotford Upgrader, which turns oil sands bitumen into synthetic crude that can be refined into fuel and other products. The project opened in 2015 and cost about $1.35 billion, backed with $745 million from the Alberta government and $120 million from ­Ottawa. Shell also began receiving two-for-one carbon credits for a ten-year period in 2017. Additionally, Shell says support from the local community was essential to building Quest. To that end, the company initiated public consultation in 2008, two years before submitting a regulatory application.


An article by Bryant published in the September 2007 issue of JPT was titled, “Geologic CO2 Storage—Can the Oil and Gas Industry Help Save the Planet?” When interviewed recently, Bryant said he would use the same title today and focus on what he calls the “exciting new technologies” that will directly offset carbon content rather than avoiding emissions.


“The window of getting things done gets shorter every year, and the perfect is the enemy of the good,” said Bryant. “We don’t have the luxury of waiting any longer for the solution. We need to build things we know will work now.”

布莱恩特说:“完成工作的窗口每年都在缩短,而完美是善良的敌人。” “我们再也不必等待解决方案了。我们需要构建我们知道现在可以使用的东西。”



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