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时间:2019-01-25 浏览:

本文转自《HUMBER BUSINESS》发表的题为“Back on the agenda: LEP boss says carbon capture offers 'huge benefits' to the Humber”的报道,

作者: Scunthorpe Telegraph



The Humber region should be at “the cutting edge” of carbon capture technology, a government inquiry has been told, a decade after plans were first unveiled.


LEP chair Lord Haskins said the innovative technology offered huge benefits, and pledged it would form part of the region’s industrial strategy.

LEP主席Lord Haskins表示,创新技术带来了巨大的利益,并承诺它将成为该地区工业战略的一部分。

The process – currently being piloted at Drax Power Station – aims to capture harmful carbon emissions before they are released into the atmosphere.

该过程 - 目前正在Drax电站试点 - 旨在捕获有害的碳排放物,然后释放到大气中。

The emissions can either be stored in underground rock formations or depleted oil and gas fields, or can be used in sectors such as drinks manufacturing.


Lord Haskins gave evidence at a government inquiry on the emerging technology, which he believes could revolutionise the Humber’s economy.

Lord Haskins 在政府对新兴技术的调查中提供了证据,他认为这可能会彻底改变Humber的经济。

Clean Energy Minister Claire Perry visiting Drax in December. 

清洁能源部长Claire Perry12月访问德拉克斯。

He said: “I’m delighted that the Government is looking more closely at carbon capture, and that our region is home to one of the most exciting potential projects in this field.


“It could offer huge benefits to the Humber, creating carbon-negative energy, promoting clean growth, and supporting other major local employers to adapt and reduce their emissions.


“With recent news of the abandonment of plans for nuclear power stations elsewhere in the UK, there needs to be an even greater shift towards renewables and low carbon technologies which our region can provide.


“We will be working with industry and other northern LEPs over the coming months to set out why this investment should be made in the North. 


“It will form part of our industrial strategy in the Humber and I want us to be at the cutting edge of this.”


How carbon capture works.


The Humber is also ideally placed to benefit from the technology, due to the concentration of energy intensive industries which need such projects to help meet decarbonisation targets; and the proximity to the geological storage capacity under the North Sea.  A decade ago, Phillip 66, Total Lindsey Oil Refinery and British Steel were all involved in a regional development agency-led programme.

由于能源密集型产业集中需要此类项目来帮助实现脱碳目标,Humber也是受益于该技术的理想之选。 并且靠近北海的地质储存容量。 十年前,Phillip 66,Total Lindsey炼油厂和英国钢铁公司都参与了一个区域发展机构主导的计划。

Energy Minister takes in carbon capture commissioning at Drax


Mooted as a key climate change solution for the UK, a £30 billion grand plan outlined a network of pipes coming east from Drax and Ferrybridge - then coal-guzzling power plants - with Theddlethorpe, the exhausted gas terminal on the Lincolnshire coast seen as an ideal receptor. An initial funding bid in 2018 was rejected, but the controversial Leeds-based quango was confident it could be achieved.

作为英国关键的气候变化解决方案,300亿英镑的宏伟计划概述了Drax和Ferrybridge东部的管道网络 - 然后是煤炭消耗的发电厂 - 与Theddlethorpe,Lincolnshire海岸的废气终端被视为 理想受体。 2018年的初始资金出价遭到拒绝,但备受争议的基于利兹的quango有信心可以实现。

in In 2015, Drax’s significant ‘White Rose’ carbon capture project had to be dropped after the Government withdrew funding, despite having already spent £100m on the proposals.


The Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Select Committee has been conducting an inquiry into CCUS since May 2018.


Lord Haskins gave evidence to a panel of MPs at a meeting in Teesside on behalf of the NP11 group of Northern Powerhouse LEPs, alongside other regional representatives from engineering membership body Catch and Drax.

Lord Haskins 代表北方动力公司的NP11小组在Teesside的一次会议上向一组国会议员提供了证据,以及来自工程会员团体Catch和Drax的其他区域代表。

Andy Koss, chief executive at Drax Power, said: “By using the engineering skill we have across the Humber region, we could develop the infrastructure needed for carbon capture to work, revolutionising industrial processes, and protecting jobs and the environment.

Drax Power首席执行官Andy Koss表示:“通过利用Humber地区的工程技术,我们可以开发碳捕获工作所需的基础设施,彻底改变工业流程,保护工作和环境。

“At Drax Power Station we are already piloting the first bioenergy carbon capture and storage plant of its kind in Europe.


“If successful we could become the world’s first carbon negative power station and help the Humber become the world’s first ‘net-zero carbon' cluster by offsetting its emissions.”


However, in its recent Clean Growth Strategy and CCUS Action Plan, the Government identified CCUS as being vital to achieving the UK’s emissions reduction targets.




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