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时间:2019-01-07 浏览:

本文转自《Energy Voice》发表的题为“North Sea CO2 storage will support transition to low-carbon economy”的报道。

作者:Rebecca Bell 





We have 12 years to clean up our carbon act on a global scale or face catastrophic climate change: that was the stark warning from the IPCC in October.


The following month, the UK Government reaffirmed its support for carbon capture and storage (CCS) – a tested technology that will deliver massive reductions in carbon emissions – and the Acorn CCS Project in north east Scotland secured a licence to select a suitable North Sea CO2 storage site.

接下来的一个月,英国政府重申其对碳捕集与封存(CCS)的支持 - 这是一种可以大幅减少碳排放的经过测试的技术 - 苏格兰东北部的橡果CCS项目获得了选择合适的北海二氧化碳的许可证存储站点。

We may be growing impatient for a more tangible CCS industry in the UK, but these developments cannot be underestimated: the UK Government ostensibly back on track with CCS; Crown Estate Scotland enabling development of CO2 transport and storage; and the Oil & Gas Authority working with government and industry to identify the infrastructure that can be re-used.


Earlier this year, the UK Government’s advisers on carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS), including experts from industry and academia, pointed to the role of CCUS clusters in bringing down costs. They laid out criteria for developing at least two such geographical groupings of industry by the mid 2020s, which would share transport and storage infrastructure.


However, the cost of delivering a CCS industry is just one part of the story, which has moved on since 2015 when the UK Government withdrew its £1 billion CCS Commercialisation Programme and pulled the rug from under the promising Peterhead CCS Project.

然而,提供CCS行业的成本仅仅是故事的一部分,自2015年英国政府撤回其10亿英镑的CCS商业化计划并从有希望的Peterhead CCS项目中撤下来,这一点已经发生了变化。

The concept of a just transition for fossil-fuel based economies is now growing in prominence. If this term is new to you, it means planning the move to a low-carbon future in a fair and progressive way. It recognises that we can capitalise on the oil and gas industry skills, workforces and infrastructure we already have while developing new ones. It also depends on building vibrant and resilient communities and being aware of the major concerns and challenges for industries as they decarbonise.


This definition derives from the work of Dr Leslie Mabon, at Robert Gordon University, who we are working alongside on ACT Acorn, an EU-funded project that will contribute to moving the wider Acorn project towards completion by the 2020s.

这个定义源于罗伯特戈登大学的Leslie Mabon博士的工作,我们正在与ACT Acorn合作,这是一个欧盟资助的项目,将有助于将更广泛的EU项目推向20世纪20年代。

Scotland’s Just Transition Commission was established in September, chaired by Professor Jim Skea, with a remit to “maximise opportunities of decarbonisation, in terms of fair work and tackling inequalities, while delivering a sustainable and inclusive labour market”.

苏格兰的委员会成立于9月,由Jim Skea教授担任主席,其职责是“在公平工作和解决不平等问题方面最大限度地实现脱碳机会,同时提供可持续和包容性的劳动力市场”。

The concept is supported by research from the New Economics Foundation and Institute for Public Policy Research, and by trade unions and NGOs through the Just Transition Partnership. At the same time, groups as diverse as WWF and Oil and Gas UK have begun calling for clearer government policy and support for CCS.

这一概念得到了新经济基金会和公共政策研究所的研究,以及工会和非政府组织通过正义过渡伙伴关系的支持。 与此同时,世界自然基金会和英国石油天然气集团等多元化团体已开始呼吁制定更明确的政府政策和对CCS的支持。

Some industries and sectors will be hit by the need to decarbonise, while others emerge and grow. Any industrial strategy should take this into account and ensure that jobs and skills from the former can be transferred to the latter.  A just transition will not happen on its own, and the collapse of an industry can have ramifications far beyond job losses.

一些行业和行业将受到脱碳需求的打击,而其他行业和行业则会出现并增长。 任何工业战略都应考虑到这一点,并确保前者的工作和技能可以转移到后者。 公正的过渡不会单独发生,一个行业的崩溃可能会产生远远超出失业的后果。

What will happen to offshore oil and gas sector workers when hydrocarbon production ceases? CCS offers a neat fit, using the same people to carry out the same process, only in reverse: injecting liquefied CO2 into the same geological formations deep below the seabed, which have securely held oil and gas. The technology has been operating in the US and Norway since the 1990s.

当碳氢化合物生产停止时,海上石油和天然气部门的工人会怎样? CCS提供了一种整齐的配合,使用相同的人员来执行相同的过程,只是反过来:将液化的二氧化碳注入海底深处的相同地质构造中,这些地质构造牢固地保持着石油和天然气。 自20世纪90年代以来,该技术一直在美国和挪威运行。

Industries that need fossils fuels for large amounts of heat, and those that produce CO₂ as part of their process, will also face the possibility of collapse or relocation overseas if they fail to decarbonise. Providing the infrastructure to transport and store CO₂ means that jobs in these industries can be retained. And it encourages new high-emitting industries to site themselves in the area, creating zero-carbon zones with a competitive advantage. In the move towards 100% renewable energy, these technologies use materials that must also be decarbonised.

需要化石燃料以获取大量热量的工业,以及那些生产二氧化碳作为其工艺一部分的工业,如果不能脱碳,也将面临崩溃或迁移到海外的可能性。 提供运输和储存二氧化碳的基础设施意味着可以保留这些行业的工作。 它鼓励新的高排放行业在该地区定位,创造具有竞争优势的零碳区。 在迈向100%可再生能源的过程中,这些技术使用的材料也必须脱碳。

On the trajectory to a fossil-fuel free world, North Sea methane can provide low-carbon hydrogen for heat and transport, if produced by steam methane reforming alongside CCS. That means jobs emerging as the hydrogen economy grows and develops. Look to Aberdeen where hydrogen is already used in public transport and may soon be rolled out to provide heat using the existing gas distribution network.

在通往无化石燃料世界的轨道上,北海甲烷可以提供低碳氢气用于热量和运输,如果通过蒸汽甲烷重整与CCS一起生产。 这意味着随着氢经济的增长和发展而出现的就业机会。 在阿伯丁看看氢气已经在公共交通工具中使用,并且可能很快就会推出,以利用现有的天然气分配网络提供热量。

Economies across the world face the task of tackling climate change while supporting society in terms of growth and jobs. There is growing recognition that CCS is not just the least-cost way to achieve deep decarbonisation – it also has a key role in protecting jobs and enabling a just transition from a carbon-intensive economy to a low-carbon future.

世界各地的经济体面临着应对气候变化的任务,同时在增长和就业方面支持社会。 人们越来越认识到,CCS不仅是实现深度脱碳的最低成本方式 - 它还在保护就业和实现从碳密集型经济向低碳未来的公平转变方面发挥着关键作用。

The Paris Agreement urges the creation of “decent work and quality jobs in accordance with nationally defined development priorities”. The UK Government’s focus on the development of CCUS clusters in the early 2020s begins to address these priorities as well as the imperative of climate action. We will be doing all we can in 2019 to ensure this momentum continues.

“巴黎协定”敦促根据国家确定的发展优先事项创造“体面劳动和高质量的工作”。 英国政府在20世纪20年代初期关注CCUS集群的发展,开始着眼于这些优先事项以及气候行动的必要性。 我们将在2019年尽我们所能,以确保这种势头继续下去。

Rebecca Bell, Policy & Research Officer, Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage

Rebecca Bell,苏格兰碳捕集与封存政策与研究官员



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