本文转自“Oil Price”发表的题为“Australia Goes After Chevron For Gorgon Carbon Capture Delay”的报道。
作者: Irina Slav
The government of Western Australia has started an inquiry into a delay in the implementation of a carbon capture program at the massive Gorgon LNG project operated by Chevron.
The state’s Environmental Protection Authority has nine months to investigate why Chevron has been slow to begin capturing and burying at least 80 percent of the carbon dioxide that gets released as part of the normal operation of its gas processing facility on Barrow Island, Reuters reports, citing an emailed statement from the minister’s spokeswoman.
The inquiry follows Chevron informing the WA government last December that it will only be able to begin capturing and injecting carbon dioxide at the Gorgon field in the last quarter of 2018. The company cited problems with the equipment during the construction of the infrastructure for the US$1.9-billion carbon capture and injection system. It is the largest carbon capture and storage project in the world.
调查显示雪佛龙去年12月向西澳大利亚州政府通报说,它将只能在2018年最后一个季度开始在 Gorgon地区捕获和注入二氧化碳。该公司在美国基础设施建设过程中引用了设备问题,19亿美元的碳捕获和注入系统。 它是世界上最大的碳捕集与封存项目。
The Gorgon LNG project is worth US$54 billion and has an estimated productive life of 40 years. The CCS installation was a condition set for Chevron and its partners—Shell, Exxon, Osaka Gas, Tokyo Gas, and JERA—by the Western Australian government before it approved the project.
Gorgon液化天然气项目价值540亿美元,估计有40年的生产能力。 CCS的安装是雪佛龙及其合作伙伴 - 壳牌,埃克森,大阪煤气,东京煤气和JERA--在西澳大利亚政府批准该项目之前设定的条件。
Yet the project is also Western Australia’s biggest emitter of carbon dioxide equivalent, at8.3 million tons annually. It has three liquefaction trains with a combined capacity of 15.6 million tons of LNG per year.
但该项目也是西澳大利亚州最大的二氧化碳排放国,年产量为830万吨。 它有三条液化列车,每年的液化天然气总量为1560万吨。
“It has become apparent there needs to be a clearly defined start point for the commencement of the five-year rolling average,” WA’s Environment Minister told media. The five-year rolling average is the basis for the calculations of carbon dioxide capturing and storage.
西澳大利亚州环境部长告诉媒体,“显然需要有一个明确定义的五年平均滚动平均起点。” 五年滚动平均值是计算二氧化碳捕获和储存的基础。
Last month, Chevron approved an additional investment of US$3.8 billion (A$5.1 billion) for the Gorgon project. The money will be used to drill more wells and set up more pipelines on the seabed to prolong the life of the project.
上个月,雪佛龙为Gorgon项目批准了38亿美元的额外投资(51亿澳元)。 这笔资金将用于钻更多井,并在海底设置更多管道,以延长项目的使用寿命。
Yet the company is in no hurry to start building the CCS installation as, according to a Chevron spokeswoman, the company is taking the long-term view, aiming to first make sure that the installation is commissioned properly and capable of achieving the high percentage of capture and storage stipulated in the government’s conditions.
然而,该公司并不急于开始建造CCS装置,因为根据Chevron发言人的说法,该公司正在从长远角度出发,旨在首先确保安装调试合格,并且能够实现高比例的 捕获和储存规定在政府的条件。
By Irina Slav for Oilprice.com